Maintenance in Summer

Summer Months

Summer is the main and most important growing season.


  • A busy, busy time; your trees are truly growing now.    Regular pruning of new growth is necessary.   New growth will mean the trunk and branches are growing thicker.
  • Watch wire carefully to be sure it does not cut in and scar the bark.
  • Candle pinching pines, trim the candles in early to mid-summer (June) on healthy trees.  Using your fingers leave only a small stub of about 5 mm with a few pairs of needles.
  • Weeds grow very strongly as well - do not let them get the upper hand or they will take all the nutrients from the soil.
  • Days are long and nights short - perfect growing conditions.    Sometimes you may need to water twice in a day, even three times in exceptionally hot weather.
  • Barbecue time - do not set up barbecues near your trees, they scorch easily.


It should be the warmest month of the year; not always though!

  • Check for watering regularly.
  • Pinching and fine twig pruning: this involves the removal of shoots, leaves and stems to direct and control growth, increase ramification and density of small branches to improve foliage pads; this helps to make leaves smaller and reduce internodes.
  • Keep feeding - it may be a good time to try foliar feeding, a fine mist feed taken in by the foliage.
  • Be prepared for sudden thunderstorms; hail and strong winds can be very damaging, especially to new leaves and flowers.


Check your trees for bugs and insects.    If you are going on holiday, do not just abandon your trees - they could be dead when you come home.     Ask a reliable neighbour or friend to water your bonsai while you are away.

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